What are the levels and what are they for?

It is the way in which MercaTuber sellers are classified and to reward the good ones, who take care of their product and their image. This makes buyers happy with the service and treatment.

The levels are:

Gold: MercaTuber’s commission is 5%
Silver: MercaTuber’s commission is 10%
Bronze: MercaTuber’s commission is 15%

When a seller registers in MercaTuber, he enters the silver level, which means that  MercaTuber applies a 10% commission to his sales.


After 6 months from the registration (or from the last review) a review of the sales and ratings of the seller is made.

Causes for leveling up:

  • 5-star rating on more than 75% of the shipments
  • More than 15 shipments per month
  • Good reviews on more than 75% of shipments
  • Exclusive online sales channel in MercaTuber (no own online shop or other Marketplace)

If 2 or more of these situations are met, you will be upgraded (from bronze to silver or from silver to gold), and MercaTuber’s commission will be modified according to the new level.

But if after the registration (or the last review) any of the following situations are fulfilled, the review will be downward, and you will be downgraded one level (from gold to silver or from silver to bronze)

Causes for leveling down

  • Bad score in 2 consecutive submissions
  • Bad comments in the review of 2 shipments in a row or 5 in 1 month even if they are random.
  • Problems with the transport, complaints with the packaging…

If you want to know more about our rating, send us an email to info@mercatuber.com